Our Crew Recommends...
The best books, films and podcasts on sailing, conservation and the magic of the ocean.
We think you'll love them, too!
Great for marina nights, reading on deck or listening to during a calm night-watch...
(P.s. get second-hand books where you can, let's save trees! 🌳)
Following Seas
A docu-film about Nancy, a woman who just had to sail. A husband, expanding family and 20 ocean crossings later, Nancy narrates their stories of adventure, unconventional living, compromise and heartbreak.
Blue Planet
Sir David Attenborough's award-winning documentary series on the ocean. Detailing the wonders of the sea and the biggest challenges facing our times, it is a beautiful and cruel reminder of the depth of our impact and why our seas are worth protecting. Watch it. Every series.
We believe that all should be free to roam the sea, particularly if the sea is Home. If you need any convincing that marine mammals do not belong in captivity, you need to watch this. If you already know they don't belong in tanks, then watch Blackfish anyway, for the incredibly beautiful and intelligent orcas.
The Story of Plastic
Wow. Just wow. Sometimes brutally visual account of our plastic world. We dropped single-use plastics as fast as our jaw hit the floor when watching this docufilm. A got-to-watch-it-to-believe it...
Chasing Coral
You can catch this on Netflix - a beautiful documentary about the amazing animals that are corals. For those of us who spend more time above the waterline than under it, this film is a must -see education. "Chasing Coral is a documentary that perfectly combines the beauty of corals with the stark reality of what is happening under our seas. I fell in love with the story. Even if you know nothing about corals, the way the story is told and the beautiful images will keep you hooked and spark your love of the ocean. I have since shown it to everyone I can!" says Libby, Clean Sailors Crew.
Drowning in Plastic
"A controversial docu-film which got everyone taking - this is one of the rawest documentaries on impact of plastic on our ecosystems. The plastic issue is big, it's widespread, with species around the world mistaking this hardy, man-made material as food, even sharing it with their young. Heart-breaking. You can't watch this and not want to change our world.
One controversial document-film that got everyone talking. Deeply shocking documentary with unparalleled access to some of the darkest sides of commercial fishing, whaling (and sharking) industries. Featuring some of the best thinkers and environmentalists, you won't walk away from this one unchanged. Be prepared to get frustrated!
Breaking Boundaries
It's hard to watch climate scientists brought to tears because of how far we've pushed things. At first scary and frustrating but the best we've seen in terms of bringing home how interconnected our global systems are and just how dangerously far we are living beyond a stable system.
Sir David Attenborough and one of the worlds brightest minds, Johan Rockström, look at how fast we are marching towards breaking point and importantly, EXACTLY what we can do to help correct it.
Gripping as gripping can be, Maiden is the story of Traci Edwards MBE and her quest for freedom. She was a 24-year-old cook in charter boats who became the skipper of the first ever all-female crew to enter the Whitbread Round the World in 1989. No one took them seriously. They should have...
My Octopus Teacher
True footage of one man, one octopus and a wonderfully rich habitat off the Western Cape of South Africa. A beautifully poignant story of trust, friendship and the cycle of life.
Mission Blue
Dr. Sylvia Earle is one of our ocean sheros. A marine biologist, diver and ocean activist with over 1,000 hours of underwater research, she knows her stuff.
Chasing Bubbles
"I found this film super inspiring - Alex makes the hard decision to leave his urban life and just GO without knowing what to expect! He just followed his desire for adventure and live life to the fullest. It is be beautiful - he connect friends and strangers and lets them realise we need to celebrate life, and have the power to do that!"
says sailor, Famke.

Becoming Cousteau
Now Jacques Cousteau should need no introduction. Referred to the father of ocean conservation, his explorations underwater gave us all access to a world previously unseen in such detail, dynamism and splendour. We couldn't appreciate him more. A documentary film about a fascinating, albeit complicated, man, diver, conservationist.
For many, Captain Watson needs no introduction. As the Co-founder of Greenpeace and founder of Sea Shepherd, Cpt. Watson is truly an ambassador for our global environment and does everything it takes to protect it, including putting his own life at risk. A fascinating docu-film about a man whose life's work is dedicated to shedding light on the deepest and darkest mistreatment of our seas. Firmly recommended.
A Voyage for Madmen - Peter Nichols
This hair-raising book charts the six sailors who set off around the world for the first Golden Globe race in 1968. Some made it home, some did not - a great book to kindle some serious adventure spirit
The Human, The Orchid and The Octopus - Jacques Cousteau
Jacques Cousteau needs no intro. In this book he documents his first-hand accounts of the life supported by our waters, the beauty of the ocean and the way in which human activity has and continues to destroy so much of our natural world. We love it for it's vivid descriptions and reminder that the time for us to act is really NOW.
Oceanographic magazine
There are few things that bring us such joy on a regular basis as receiving a copy of Oceanographic magazine. For conservation, adventure and exploration, and for some incredible story-telling and photography to match, Oceanographic is an absolute Team favourite. Plus, 20% of their proceeds go back into funding conservation orgs.
The End of the Ocean - Maja Lunde
"My favourite. This book is about the future of freshwater. We follow a woman who fights to protect the glacier in her hometown. She's a 70 year old sailor. Then we jump to the future where we follow a family in France, fleeing fires and looking for shelter and water. It's about how our future could look. It makes us think." says Sara, Clean Sailors Crew.

Blue Mind - Walter J. Nichols
Vitamin Sea is genuinely real. All about why and how the power of the big Blue soothes us, restores us, revitalises and energises us - psychologically, physically and emotionally. Well worth protecting then, don't you think?

30-Second Oceans - Mattias Green and Yueng-Djern Lenn
One of the best ways to get to grips with the way our ocean works is a bite-sized way is this book. It covers 50 key ideas about the importance of our ocean, how it works and how it affects all life on Earth. Read it.
The Sea Around Us - Rachel Carson
Originally published in 1951, Rachel Carson's book remains so pertinent. It's a fascinating mixture of where the sea began to the more recent understanding of the science and the sea's role in our wider ecosystem. She encourages us all to be ecologists.
117 Days Adrift - Maurice and Maralyn Bailey
Nobody wants to be adrift, we take every precaution not to be! In this true tale, husband and wife end up without a boat in the middle of the Pacific for, you guessed it, 117 days... An epic story of survival, resilience and team-work.
Eat Like A Fish - Bren Smith
Now we now that modern commercial fishing is one of the key ways in which are impacting the biodiversity of our oceans and our climate. Bren used to be a fisherman and now shares a way in which we can farm the ocean in a more restorative, climate-change slowing way, and how seaweed could just be the answer...
The Deep - Alex Rogers
We know less about the depths of our oceans than we do about the surface of Mars and fewer people have been to the deepest part of our oceans than have been to the Moon. Our oceans cover ~70% of our planet and we've still so much to learn about them. Read this book for a fascinating journey through what lies beneath and why it's so important we respect and preserve these deep ecosystems.
On The Wind podcast
From the great team over at 59º North, On The Wind is a series of talks with sailors from all over the world. If you dream of sailing and the high seas, this one is for you.
Meet The Ocean podcast
One of our favourite podcasts, for a real education in our saltwater environments. It's sciences, sea and storytelling, featuring some of the remotest parts of our planet.
Ocean Poddy podcast
New, cool, varied and full of love for the ocean - hear a variety of topics from divers, photographers and scientists, all sharing a true passion for the sea.
World Ocean Radio
The World Ocean Observatory's World Ocean Radio is one of our absolute favourites - these weekly, 5-minute long podcasts keep us topped up on all the best of the Blue.