Welcome to Clean Sailors!

Hello and welcome!
We are really excited to share our project with you.
As sailors, we love the sea, and Clean Sailors was set up as a way of not only sharing our passion with other sea-lovers but also our tips, learnings and the science behind our ocean environment.
We know that we, humanity, has had and continues to have an unprecedented impact on the world around us. Whether plastic pollution, micro-fibre saturation, sewage leaking or chemical sunscreen, we have huge opportunities to clean up.
Our motivation is to ensure we as sailors; coastal-cruisers, offshore-trippers, ocean-adventurers, circumnavigators, racers, motor-boaters, dinghy-bobbers, water-lovers, toe-dippers and self-confessed landlubbers make every effort to protect the source of so much of our passion - the sea.
Let's protect the sea, for there is no other greater source of life nor governor to the balance of our global ecosytem. There are few things greater than the sea.
We look forward to sharing more with you as we build our project and partnerships, and we always love to hear from you so please do get in touch!
A really big thank you to Harry, Alice, Scott, Lowenna, Rory and Pawan for helping us get set up.
On behalf of us sailors and for the sea - sail mighty, tread lightly.
We have work to do!
Holly Manvell
Clean Sailors founder