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Welcome to our Clean Sailors podcast!

Welcome to our Clean Sailors podcast!


Clean Sailors podcast


We are very excited to share that our Clean Sailors podcast is now live!

Hosted by Clean Sailors founder, Holly, we talk all about sea, sailing and keeping it clean, exploring some of the areas in which sailing and our wider marine industry can become that bit cleaner. 

Through conversations with experts, innovators, inventors and activists, all working towards the health of our seas, we showcase the people and projects changing the way things are done.

We believe great ideas should be shared so our podcast is free to appear on. If you've got a project, idea or topic you think we should be discussing - get in touch!


Our podcast is supported by Henri-Lloyd, a brand and legacy known for championing and supporting sailors, adventurers and pioneers who push boundaries.


For all episodes head to our Clean Sailors podcast page

All episodes are available online, on Spotify and on Apple podcasts