Clean Sailors joins Our Seas
Clean Sailors joins Our Seas coalition to help promote the protection of Scottish coastlines and ecosystems
The two organisations have come together to support the work of Our Seas and partners in collectively raising awareness of Scottish inshore waters, coastal seabed and marine life in order to restore the ecological health of coastal waters in the region.
The Our Seas coalition is made up of fishermen, sea anglers, marine tourism business, community groups, coastal businesses, and NGO, all campaigning for the urgent reinstatement of a coastal limit on bottom dragged fishing gear. A ‘just transition’ towards low impact fishing would allow the recovery of carbon sinks, seabed habitats, and lost fish stocks which have suffered catastrophic declines since the removal of the ‘3 Mile Limit’ on bottom trawling in 1984.
Launched in July 2020, Clean Sailors’ mission is to set a new standard of cleaner sailing within the global sailing community. Work includes campaigning for legislation to better protect our ocean, education, advice and outreach on conservation opportunities within the sailing and marine communities, and sharing scientific research on issues facing our global waters.
For more information about Our Seas, visit https://www.ourseas.scot
For more information about Clean Sailors, visit www.cleansailors.com
About Our Seas
Our Seas is a joint campaign bringing together fishermen, sea anglers, marine tourism business, communities, NGOs and individuals who are calling for a transformation in the way that our coastal seas are used and protected.
#OurSeas is a coalition of Scottish fishing associations, marine businesses, community groups, environmental and charitable organisations, marine recreational groups and other public interest groups, who are collectively seeking to voice concern about the urgent need to protect Scotland’s coastal seabed and the marine life and communities dependent on it.
About Clean Sailors
Clean Sailors is a not-for-profit, mobilising the global sailing community in conservation of our oceans. Launched in July 2020, Clean Sailors' mission is to set a new standard of sailing within our global sailing community: clean sailing, by raising awareness of ocean conservation opportunities within our sport, our passion, our pastime.
The Crew's aim is to make an ocean ambassador of each and every sailor around the world. Work includes campaigning for legislation to better protect our ocean, education, advice and outreach on conservation opportunities within the sailing and marine communities and sharing scientific research on issues facing our global waters.
Clean Sailors counts the Henri-Lloyd, the Ocean Cruising Club, British Marine, The Yacht Harbour Association, Finsulate and Sail & Explore Association, amongst its early supporters.
Cleaner marina is the latest initiative by Clean Sailors, to encourage and support the global sailing and marine industries in protecting our waters.