Clean Sailors becomes member of British Marine and The Yacht Harbour Association
10 November 2020, 09:00 GMT
Clean Sailors becomes a member of British Marine and The Yacht Harbour Association.
"We are very excited and proud to become a member of British Marine and The Yacht Harbour Association! These important memberships represent a trusted partnership and recognition of the increasingly important work that Clean Sailors looks to achieve within the global sailing community" says Holly Manvell, Lead and Founder of Clean Sailors. "We are committed to upholding the standards and reputation of British Marine and The Yacht Harbour Association, and recognise the role that they play in supporting the marine industry. Clean Sailors greatly looks forward to collaborating with and contributing to their networks and mission."
About Clean Sailors
Clean Sailors is a not-for-profit organisation, mobilising our global sailing community in conservation of our oceans.
Launched in July 2020, Clean Sailors is a project aimed at raising awareness of ocean conservation issues within the global sailing community, setting a new standard of sailing and sailor.
Clean Sailors increases awareness of key environmental topics, educating, encouraging and mobilising sailors all over the world in accepting their role as guardians of our seas. The Clean Sailors team works to encourage a shift towards more sustainable practices by sharing practical tips, knowledge, science and recommendation on simple switches we can all make to be more responsible sailors (and citizens). By partnering with some of the best and like-minded ocean conservation organisations and sustainable brands, Clean Sailors looks to achieve a more sustainable sailor and sailing industry, for cleaner, healthier seas.
Clean Sailors is also a proud member of British Marine and The Yacht Harbour Association.